Phoenix Hospital 49/163A, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. 211002

Abdominal Wall Defects Treatment | Dr. Dhanesh Agrahari

Abdominal Wall Defects

Welcome to Dr. Dhanesh Agrahari is the best Abdominal Wall Defects  doctor in Praygaraj, India dedicated to providing information and support for individuals and families affected by abdominal wall defects. We understand that these conditions can be challenging, and we aim to offer a comprehensive resource to help you better understand abdominal wall defects and the available treatment options.

What are Abdominal Wall Defects?

Abdominal wall defects are congenital conditions in which there is an incomplete development or closure of the abdominal wall during fetal development. These defects can vary in severity and may affect different layers of the abdominal wall, leading to various clinical presentations.

Some common abdominal wall defects include:

Omphalocele: This occurs when the abdominal contents, such as the intestines, liver, and sometimes other organs, protrude through an opening in the abdominal wall into a sac covered by a thin membrane.

Gastroschisis: In gastroschisis, a hole forms in the abdominal wall, usually to the right of the umbilical cord, allowing the intestines (and occasionally other organs) to extend outside the body without a protective covering.

Umbilical Hernia: Umbilical hernias involve a weakness in the abdominal wall near the navel, allowing fatty tissue or part of the intestine to protrude through the muscle layers.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Abdominal wall defects are typically diagnosed during pregnancy through ultrasound examinations. After birth, a physical examination is performed to evaluate the extent and severity of the defect.

Treatment for abdominal wall defects may involve a multidisciplinary approach, including the following:

Surgical Repair: The primary treatment for most abdominal wall defects involves surgical repair. The timing and technique of the surgery depend on the specific defect and the overall health of the individual.

Neonatal Intensive Care: Infants born with more severe abdominal wall defects may require care in a specialized neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The NICU team provides specialized medical care, including respiratory support, nutrition management, and monitoring for any associated complications.

Supportive Care: In addition to medical and surgical interventions, individuals and families affected by abdominal wall defects benefit from ongoing support, education, and counseling. Support groups and organizations can provide a network of individuals facing similar challenges and access to valuable resources.

Long-Term Outlook and Follow-up Care

The long-term outlook for individuals with abdominal wall defects can vary depending on the specific condition and associated factors. Most individuals who receive appropriate medical care and surgical treatment can lead healthy lives.

Follow-up care is essential to monitor the healing process, manage any potential complications, and address developmental or growth concerns. Regular visits to healthcare professionals familiar with abdominal wall defects ensure ongoing support and guidance throughout childhood and beyond.


Our web page aims to provide a starting point for individuals and families seeking information and support for abdominal wall defects. Remember that you are not alone, and there are resources available to assist you on your journey. Consultation with qualified healthcare professionals experienced in the management of abdominal wall defects is essential to receive personalized care and guidance.

Omphalocele (exomphalos)

Omphalocele (exomphalos)





UmbIlical malformation

UmbIlical malformation

UmbIlical malformation