Phoenix Hospital 49/163A, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. 211002

Paediatric Neuro surgery Treatment | Dr. Dhanesh Agrahari

Paediatric Neuro surgery

Welcome to Dr. Dhanesh Agrahari Umbilical anomalies Treatment! Here, we provide valuable information about umbilical anomalies, their causes, types, and available treatment options. Our team of skilled healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for individuals with umbilical anomalies, ensuring their well-being and optimal outcomes.

Understanding Umbilical Anomalies

Umbilical anomalies refer to abnormal conditions or variations affecting the umbilical region, which includes the belly button (navel) and surrounding structures. These anomalies can occur during fetal development or may present later in life. Umbilical anomalies vary in their severity and can range from minor cosmetic concerns to more complex conditions that require medical intervention.

Types of Umbilical Anomalies

Umbilical Hernia: An umbilical hernia occurs when there is a weakness in the muscles and tissues around the umbilical area, allowing a portion of the abdominal contents to protrude through the belly button. Umbilical hernias are common in infants and may resolve on their own or require surgical intervention.

Umbilical Granuloma: An umbilical granuloma is a small, moist, and reddish lump that forms in the belly button after the umbilical cord has fallen off. It occurs due to the healing process and is usually benign. Treatment involves the application of specialized medications or cauterization to promote healing.

Umbilical Polyp: An umbilical polyp is a growth that develops in the belly button. It can appear as a small, fleshy protrusion and may be associated with persistent discharge or bleeding. Treatment involves the removal of the polyp through minimally invasive procedures.

Urachal Abnormalities: The urachus is a structure connecting the bladder to the umbilicus during fetal development. Urachal abnormalities occur when the urachus does not fully close after birth, leading to conditions such as urachal cysts, sinuses, or fistulas. These conditions may require surgical intervention to prevent complications.

Umbilical Sinus or Fistula: Umbilical sinuses or fistulas are rare anomalies characterized by the presence of abnormal passageways between the umbilicus and underlying structures, such as the intestine or bladder. Surgical intervention is usually necessary to repair the anomaly and prevent infection or other complications.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosing umbilical anomalies often involves a physical examination, medical history review, and, in some cases, imaging studies. Treatment options depend on the specific type and severity of the anomaly, and may include:

Observation: Some umbilical anomalies, such as small umbilical hernias in infants, may resolve spontaneously over time with regular monitoring by a healthcare professional.

Medical Management: Certain umbilical anomalies, such as umbilical granulomas, can be managed with topical medications or cauterization techniques under medical supervision.

Minimally Invasive Procedures: In cases where surgical intervention is necessary, minimally invasive procedures, such as laparoscopy or endoscopic techniques, may be used to repair the anomaly. These procedures offer the advantages of smaller incisions, reduced pain, and faster recovery.

Surgical Repair: Complex umbilical anomalies, such as urachal abnormalities or umbilical sinus/fistula, may require surgical repair to correct the anatomical defect and prevent complications. Our experienced surgical team will determine the most appropriate surgical approach based on individual needs.


Umbilical anomalies encompass a range of conditions affecting the belly button area. Our dedicated healthcare team is experienced in diagnosing and treating various umbilical anomalies, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our patients. Whether observation, medical management, or surgical intervention is required, we are here to provide comprehensive care, support, and guidance throughout the treatment journey. If you or your loved one has an umbilical anomaly, we are committed to helping you navigate the condition with expertise, empathy, and personalized care.




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