Phoenix Hospital 49/163A, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. 211002

Surgical Super Specialization in Children Starting from Neonate to Teen Age , Mainly Pediatric Laparoscopy And Pediatric Urology.

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Dr. Dhanesh Agrahari Genital Surgery Treatment! Our aims to provide you with valuable information about genital surgery procedures, their benefits, potential risks, and the considerations you should keep in mind. Whether you're seeking cosmetic, reconstructive, or gender-affirming surgery, We are here to help you understand the options available and make informed decisions.

What is Genital Surgery?

Genital surgery, also known as genital reconstructive surgery or genital plastic surgery, encompasses a range of procedures designed to alter or enhance the appearance, structure, or function of the genitals. These surgeries can be performed for various reasons, including medical, aesthetic, or gender-related purposes.

Types of Genital Surgery

Cosmetic Genital Surgery: Cosmetic genital surgery is performed primarily to enhance the appearance of the genitals. Common procedures include labiaplasty (reshaping the labia), clitoral hood reduction, penile enhancement, scrotal lift, and more. These surgeries are often sought to address concerns about aesthetic appearance or to improve comfort and self-confidence.

Reconstructive Genital Surgery: Reconstructive genital surgery aims to restore or repair the structure and function of the genitals, typically after injury, illness, or congenital abnormalities. Examples of reconstructive procedures include vaginal reconstruction, phalloplasty (construction of a neophallus), vaginoplasty (creation or reconstruction of a vagina), and testicular implantation. Reconstructive genital surgery can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals who have experienced genital trauma or have congenital differences.

Gender-Affirming Genital Surgery: Gender-affirming genital surgery, also known as gender confirmation surgery or sex reassignment surgery, is performed to align an individual's physical characteristics with their gender identity. These surgeries are an important aspect of the transition process for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Gender-affirming procedures may include procedures such as vaginoplasty, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, or orchidectomy.

Considerations and Risks

Genital surgery is a personal decision that requires careful consideration and consultation with qualified healthcare professionals. Here are some essential factors to bear in mind:

Consultation and Planning: It is crucial to consult with experienced surgeons who specialize in genital surgery. They can assess your needs, discuss your goals and expectations, and provide detailed information about the procedure, including potential risks and benefits.

Realistic Expectations: Understanding the limitations and potential outcomes of genital surgery is vital. While modern surgical techniques have advanced significantly, it is important to maintain realistic expectations and have open discussions with your surgeon.

Risks and Complications: As with any surgical procedure, genital surgery carries some risks. These risks may include infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in sensation, adverse reactions to anesthesia, and potential dissatisfaction with the results. Your surgeon will explain these risks and take measures to minimize them.

Recovery and Aftercare: Genital surgery often requires a period of recovery and healing. Your surgeon will provide detailed post-operative instructions, which may include restrictions on physical activities, wound care, pain management, and follow-up appointments.

Choosing a Qualified Surgeon

Selecting a highly skilled and experienced surgeon is crucial for successful genital surgery outcomes. When hoosing a surgeon, consider the following:

Board Certification: Ensure that your surgeon is certified by a recognized board or organization specializing in the relevant field, such as plastic surgery, urology, or gynecology.

Experience and Specialization: Look for surgeons who have extensive experience performing the specific type of genital surgery you are considering. They should have a proven track record and positive patient testimonials.

Clear Communication: A good surgeon will actively listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and provide clear explanations about the procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes.

Comfort and Trust: Establishing a rapport and feeling comfortable with your surgeon is essential. You should feel confident in their abilities and trust their judgment.


Genital surgery encompasses a variety of procedures that can enhance aesthetics, restore function, or align physical characteristics with gender identity. Whether you're considering cosmetic, reconstructive, or gender-affirming surgery, taking the time to research, consult with qualified professionals, and weigh the potential risks and benefits will help you make informed decisions. Remember, your journey towards genital surgery should prioritize your well-being, satisfaction, and personal goals.

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