Phoenix Hospital 49/163A, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. 211002

Lap Appendectomy

Lap Appendectomy

Acute Appendicitis is a Disease of modernity and is a commonest acute surgical condition in children.
Pediatric medical professionals. understand kid's body are not just "small adults". High index of suspicious is needed in acute pain in abdomen. The Symptoms are - Belly pain(lower right side or near belly button), Nausea vomiting ,fever(after 1 -2 days of pain). Diagnosis depends on good physical examination and ultrasound, CT scan if needed.
Acute appendicitis in children makes one of the most common surgical emergency. management includes confirmation of the diagnosis by good ultrasonography if needed CT scan abdomen. timely intervention avoids complications. laparoscopic appendicectomy is well established in children as well in most of the cases even with localized complications like perforation, adhesions and pyoperitoneum.