Phoenix Hospital 49/163A, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. 211002

Enteric Duplication Cyst

Enteric Duplication Cyst

Enteric duplication cysts are benign cystic structures that are most commonly found at the mesenteric border of the jejunum or ileum, although they can form at any location along the gastrointestinal tract.The cysts are found on the mesenteric side of the bowel and are often difficult to differentiate from a mesentric cyst . Most of these anomalies become symptomatic causing pain, bleeding, or intussusceptions, and require surgical resection.

Enteric duplication cysts are elongated, tubular, or spherical cystic masses, usually unilocular and anechoic.

Diagnosis of enteric duplication cysts is made with ultrasound. It can be used prenatally, leading to early treatment postnatally. CT and MRI may be used to define the location and size of the duplication.Diffrential diagnosis in most of the cases are mesentric cyst .

Alimentary tract duplication cysts are commonly seen in children. Surgical resection is required in the majority of cases. However, a proportion of cases may require complex surgeries. Excellent long-term outcomes are reported after optimal surgery.